Painting in watercolor, gouache, acrylics, for hours and hours.
Looking for inspiration in nature, my universe, memories and emotions.
Daydreaming, starring at the sky, flowers, birds at my window.
Surrounding myself with beautiful things, brought from places all over the world.
Loosing myself in little worlds, from all the books that surround me and fascinate me.
Being happy doing what I love, painting all day, making beautiful things, bringing smiles.
Living simply.

I am Ioana Petre, I come from a little town in the mountains called Sinaia (Romania). I have graduated the architecture University “Ion Mincu ” from Bucharest and I have worked in architecture offices in Mexico, Brazil and Colombia. My passion for accessories, colors and drawings wanted its place, so I decided to go to Madrid and take my Masters in Jewlery Design and also in Business Management for Creative Projects. Being in the IED helped me connect with a lot of designers and gave me the opportunity to work as a jewelry designer in the Aristocrazy Brand. It was a dream come true being able to have a direct contact with the fashion world and creative process. I also had the opportunity to participate in creating the collection for Madrid Fashion Week in 2016. During my studies I also won a collaboration with the Thyssen Museum in Madrid, for whom I had to design a jewelry collection inspired from one of the paintings there. The experience that changed my life was meeting Ines Aguilar and taking her classes of how to make your own collection with your own patterns. After wondering the world and learning so many things, I came back home wanting to make my dreams come true. So here I am, designing patterns, illustrating, drawing all day, making clothes, accessories and paper goods, all coming to reinforce my love for colors and painting.